BIO4ALIM: Objectives

The project will be developed over a period of 3 years, starting in September 2022 and concluding its execution in June 2025.

The main objective is the establishment of a biotechnological and digital platform for the generation of bioproducts from agrifood by-products and their application in the production of food, animal feed, and phytosanitary products.

This sustainable bioproduct platform will be developed to contribute to the sustainability of the agrifood chain affected by the new conditions resulting from climate change.

The Consortium

BIO4ALIM bioproduct platform is a collaborative project involving companies from across Spain and research and leading research and innovation centers:

It is led by the major pork industry company JORGE PORK MEAT SL and has partners from the agri-food sector responsible for generating bioproducts, as well as technology and biotechnology companies:

In addition, the consortium of companies is supported by 10 leading  Universities and Research Centers from across the country::

DOMCA’s objectives in BIO4ALIM

DOMCA plays a significant role in the project, leading one of the work packages  related to the development of sustainable processes for the acquisition of active compounds that will be transformed in bioproducts.

Our primary objective is to obtain new ingredients and antimicrobial active compounds for human nutrition, animal nutrition, or agriculture, which can reduce the use of chemical preservatives, antibiotics, and pesticides by using natural products.

Furthermore, the company will initiate a new research line in the production of unicellular protein that can be used as a sustainable alternative to animal-derived protein in human nutrition. All of this is aimed at obtaining economically and environmentally more sustainable ingredients


MISIONES CDTI is a program that is part of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical, and Innovation Research 2021-2023, managed by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), acting as a funding agency.

This Subprogram includes, among other initiatives, Science and Innovation Missions, which are research projects led by companies aimed at addressing significant research relevant to proposing solutions to cross-cutting and strategic challenges in Spanish society.

These initiatives also aim to improve the knowledge and technology base on which Spanish companies rely to compete and stimulate public-private cooperation.

MISIONES CDTI program is fully aligned with the Spain 2050 initiative, which lays the foundations and proposals for a Long-Term National Strategy, anticipating the main challenges and issues that Spain must address in the next 30 years.

The missions selected in this call address relevant aspects of two of the nine challenges outlined in Spain 2050: the first, ‘Becoming more productive to grow better,’ and the fourth, ‘Becoming a carbon-neutral, sustainable, and climate-resilient society.’

BIO4ALIM (MIG-20221026) is a project funded by the European Union, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI).

The total project budget amounts to €4,960,279. In the case of DOMCA, the company has a budget of €555,335 and a grant of €413,824.78.

next generation funds