Agro2Circular (A2C) project is focused on the implementation of the first territorial systemic solution for the upcycling of most relevant residues in the agrifood sector (fruits& vegetables and plastic multilayers) into high added value products, powered by a digital tool and constructed upon a systemic approach with high replicable/scalable.

Agro2circular project: Circular Economy
Agro2Circular (A2C) is a circular economy approach project whose main objective is the implementation of the first territorial systemic solution for the upcycling of most relevant residues in the agrifood sector (fruits& vegetables and plastic multilayers) into high added value products.
The project is powered by a digital tool and constructed upon a systemic approach with high replicable/scalable potential.
Through this solution, A2C will face important industrial, economic & social challenges in the agrifood sector
1) The fruits & vegetables (F&V) are the group of major contribution to food waste along the food supply chain rising up to > 40% of waste, and are as excellent source of natural bioactives.
However, these F&V wastes are not exploited. A2C will valorise them by green routes to obtain these bioactives for the production of nutraceuticals, functional foods, and cosmetics.
2) Multilayer plastic films are widely used as industrial packaging for the protection of food and agriculture for crops due to their unique barrier properties. However, there is a lack of sorting and recycling technologies for an economic and environmentally sustainable valorisation of these multilayer structures. A2C will develop the first recycling value chain for post-industrial multilayer films based on a synergistic approach combining innovative sorting, physical delamination, enzymatic depolymerisation, decontamination & mechanical recycling.
3) There is a lack of digitalisation in the agrifood sector. A2C will implement a Data Integration System (DIS) as a digital tool for ensuring traceability and as Predictive Decision Tool in the agrifood sector.
The A2C approach will be tested in the Región de Murcia (Spain) and replicated in other two other EU countries (Italy and Lithuania), backed up by a circular economy model and strong public engagement, maximizing replicability and scalability.
Work packages and Partners
Agro2circular intends to create the first territorial solution focused on the implementation of the first territorial systemic solution for the upcycling of most relevant residues in the agrifood sector (fruits & vegetables and plastic multilayers) into high added value products,
The project includes 41 partners, including companies, public bodies, research and innovation centers and Universities specialized in the agrifood and plastic sector.
The project is structured in 9 Work Packages and is leaded by CETEC, a technological center specialized in footwear and plastics.
WPs are leaded by leading companies and research centers, such as: CETEC, ECOTRACE, CTNC, DMC, UNIMIB, GWC, KVELOCE, ICONS.
Our role and objectives
DMC Research will contribute due to its expertise in the implementation of natural product extraction methods and in developing high added value additives for food, nutraceuticals, feed and agriculture. On the other hand, DMC has wide experience evaluating the bioactive properties (antioxidant, antimicrobial, etc.) of natural extracts using the most advanced technologies .
The project is fully aligned with the R&D priority lines of DMC. In fact, the activities included in the project will allow us to continue improving our capabilities with the aim of including the waste reuse as a desired objective in our extraction processes iimplementing a circular economy approach.
DMC is leading WP4 consisting on the upcycling of recycled agrifood materials and the upscaling of the processes.
However, our role will start with the definition of the new food and nutraceutical formulations, as well the implementation of the new methodologies for the formulations with different extracts of the agrifood industry.
On the other hand, DMC will contribute to develop hybrid routes of green solvents, enzymatic hydrolisis and microwave assisted extractions. We will also work on the purification and stabilisation of the extracts, as well as their evaluation.
DMC will also formulate new food and nutraceutical formulations at small scale using the extracts and implement a pilot plant of microwave assisted extraction to revalorise the agrifood wastes.
Finally, as leader of the WP4 and Demonstrator 6, DMC will validate bioactive extracts in a real enviroment by developing new food and nutraceutical formulations.
This project has received funding from the European programme for Research and Innovation H2020 (Green Deal call) under grant agreement No. 101036838.
European Green Deal
The innovative project will be aligned with the objectives of EU Green Deal. The European Commission adopted a set of proposals to make the EU’s climate, energy, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. More information on Delivering the European Green Deal.

Project funding
This project has received funding from the European programme for Research and Innovation H2020 (Green Deal call) under grant agreement No. 101036838.
Dissemination Activities