DMC Research is participating in Culturedmeat project, the best valued R+D project of MISIONES CDTI Call in 2019. The project aims to research in the cultured meat for the prevention of colon cancer and dyslipidemia.
Benefits of the cultured meat
In a world threatened by climate change, the increase in population poses a challenge when it comes to combining food and sustainability. Therefore, cultured meat is positioned as one of the greatest innovations of our century, integrating food security, animal welfare, and sustainability into a unique product.
Cultured meat, or laboratory grown meat, is that which originates from the cultivation of animal muscle cells previously extracted through biopsy, thus avoiding animal slaughter.
There are currently few entities producing cultivated meat worldwide. In all cases, these are primarily scientific start-up companies that have not managed to overcome the barrier of production on a larger scale. The production of cultured meat has generated significant interest in the industry, and numerous investment funds are betting on this new meat production strategy.
General objectives
The general objective of Culturedmeat project is to investigate cultured meat produced by cellular agriculture that together with the development of healthy fats and functional ingredients allow the obtention of healthy meat products that help to prevent dyslipidemia (reduce the “bad cholesterol” levels) and colon cancer.
The partners
Culturedmeat project aims the cooperation of biotechnology companies specialized in nutrition and production technologies of the agrifood sector in Spain, such as Argal (project leader), Biotech Foods, Martínez Somalo, DMC Research, BDI Biotech, Neoalgae, BTSA and Agrowingdata.
The consortium is complemented by 10 research centers and Universities (CTIC CITA, University of Oviedo, Autonomous University of Madrid – FUAM, TECNALIA, Barcelona Science Park, University of Seville – FIUS, VICOMTECH, University of Granada, BIODONOSTIA and CIC BIOMAGUNE).
Finally, ZABALA Innovation consulting leads the management of the project.
The project has been funded by the Spanish CDTI (Center for Industrial Technological Development) – through the call “Science and Innovation Missions 2019”, and is co-financed with the European Regional Development Fund -ERDF- through its Multiregional Operational Program of Spain 2014-2020 and has a total budget of € 5,205,858.00 and a grant of € 3,707,288.59.